Primacoustic Acoustic Solutions

Enhance Your Studio with Primacoustic Acoustic Solutions

In today’s digital recording era, studio spaces are smaller, making acoustic treatment more crucial than ever. At Ordio Productions, we’re proud to stock the Primacoustic range of Acoustic Studio Solutions to elevate your recording environment.

Transform Your Sound
Primacoustic offers a variety of products tailored to improve studio acoustics. Whether you’re working in a converted bedroom or a professional space, our solutions, including London Room Kits and Broadway panels, ensure your recordings sound great on any playback system.

Comprehensive Solutions
From Room Kits to Bass Traps, Primacoustic products are designed to manage sound absorption effectively:

  • Room Kits: Tailored for different room sizes.
  • Bass Traps: Control low frequencies with corner or ceiling-mounted options.
  • IsoTools: Isolate monitors and mics for cleaner tracking.
  • Stratus Ceiling Clouds: Eliminate ceiling reflections.
  • Diffusers: Create a balanced sound by managing reflections.

Quality Materials for Superior Performance
Primacoustic’s Broadway panels are made from high-density glass wool, offering balanced absorption, even in the bass range. This enhances both the quality of your recordings and your overall workflow.

Easy Customisation
With tools like the PrimaPro Room Calculator and Designer app, customising your studio has never been easier. These resources help you select the perfect acoustic treatments for your specific needs.

Get Started
Upgrade your studio acoustics today with Primacoustic solutions available at Ordio Productions. Whether you’re a home studio enthusiast or a professional, our range of acoustic treatments will help you achieve the perfect sound.

Explore more about our offerings and find the right acoustic solutions for your studio here.

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